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Feb 27, 2015

No, I don't mean batchin' it like, batchin' it as a bachelor!

Sorry, wrong terminology!
This is actually a new buzz word to systematizing what you do. And here's why podcasting is such a joy for me!

I've been thinkin' I was incapable of getting myself systemized - my word versus batchin'...but as I was addressing the importance of batchin' it I realized that I used to be an efficiency expert! Yes, me!

Buried deep in my memory banks were the many occasions that as a secretary I would go in and observe the mode of operation of my predecessors. I had completely filed that all away prior to this podcast.

Why, because I left that career (after 24 years) over --- years ago, try to guess how long it's been! And I have found that when you start working from home on your home, if you have no accountability, unoh - you forget a lot of awesome stuff!

Passing On A Smile,
