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Mar 26, 2015

This is a great question, where do I begin my life's purpose so I can be put in the National Women's History Project?

I've pondered that question, well, just where do I begin, for a long time. And as I listen and read to so many experts about finding your purpose it all still seems a wee bit vague.

So to figure out where do I begin, I took a different approach and have listed (career wise) all the places I have been and what I've done. Because, when you reflect on your purpose it is an accumulation, I believe of all the experiences you've had.

So being that I'm talking to women business owners and women entrepreneurs I thought this might be helpful. My list is large - 40 in all, but it's why I am me. No particular order except for the first two...and other things keep coming to me, but I think that's a glimpse for now.

So where do I begin? By looking at where I've been!

Passing On A Smile - go make your list :-)
